Below is the function and example. You can also strip the code out of the function and run it inline if you assign values to the 2 variables of $lineToSplit and $splittingCharacter . $string.Split("$char") works great if there are no quotes where a character needs to be preserved. An example of where this would be useful would be
$lineToSplit = 'home, work, "last, first", mobile, address'; Obviously you don't want to split where the comma is inside of quotes.
$valueSplit = splitOutsideOfQuotes -lineToSplit $valueSplit -splittingCharacter ",";
function splitOutsideOfQuotes
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
#Region Initialization
$charArray = $lineToSplit.ToCharArray();
$stringTemp = "";
[bool] $quoteBlockerFound = $false
$returnSplitArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
[int] $index = 0;
[int] $charCount = $charArray.Count;
#EndRegion /Initialization
foreach ($char in $charArray)
if ($char -ne $splittingCharacter)
if ($char -ne " ") # not equal a space
if ($char -ne "`"") # not equal a quote
$stringTemp += $char;
elseif (($char -eq "`"") -and ($quoteBlockerFound -eq $true)) # equals a quote
$quoteBlockerFound = $false;
$quoteBlockerFound = $true;
elseif (($char -eq " ") -and ($quoteBlockerFound -eq $true))
$stringTemp += $char;
elseif (($char -eq $splittingCharacter) -and ($quoteBlockerFound -eq $true))
$stringTemp += $char;
$returnSplitArray.Add($stringTemp) | Out-Null;
$stringTemp = "";
if ($index -eq $charCount)
$returnSplitArray.Add($stringTemp) | Out-Null;
$stringTemp = "";
return $returnSplitArray;
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