For some reason, with all the power of the internets, this answer was nowhere to be easily found.
I needed to be able to count the number of (Domain Controllers) DC's in our forest, and also for a specific domain. It's a simple PowerShell script ... here is what I used
$domains = (Get-ADForest).Domains;
foreach ($domain in $domains)
Write-Host $domain
(Get-ADDomain -Identity $domain | select -ExpandProperty ReplicaDirectoryServers).Count;
Write-Host "";
$totalCount = $totalCount + (Get-ADDomain -Identity $domain | select -ExpandProperty ReplicaDirectoryServers).Count;
Write-Host "Total domain controller count is: "$totalCount
This is the blog of DJ (@gkrew) and Brad, two guys who are just engineers on a messaging team supporting Microsoft Exchange Server. DJ is an IT Pro with experience as an Enterprise System Administrator in Microsoft Windows and Unix. Brad is a self-taught coder who develops code to assist with Exchange Administration using C# and PowerShell. There will be posts about Exchange, PowerShell, Active Directory, C# and scripts that you can use in your job as well as anything IT related.