Friday, February 8, 2013

Browse the registry just like a UNC path

Periodically I am searching for a registry path and I stumble upon something on the internet telling me to go 10+ subkeys into a hive to find a value. Although not terrible, it's kind of annoying to switch back and forth between regedit and the browser to follow the path down to the key that I need.

After some googling, I found that Mark Russinovich made a command line version of a tool for this, but I wanted a GUI so I decided to write my own registry jump browser tool. It's pretty simple to use, you plug the key into the input box and hit enter or click the browse registry button.

Format for the key path should look like

hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Test Key\Test Sub Key

and if the key is present, it will open the registry and navigate down to the key you've input. If the key does not exist, it will tell you that as well.

You may also use a command line version of this using the format below in the command prompt (remember to navigate to it)
regbrowser "hklm\software\microsoft"

You can only have 1 instance of the registry open when doing this, and it is designed for local registry browsing only, FYI.

Enjoy and leave a comment if it is useful for you, or if you have a suggested improvement.

^ new version with help file built in and minor added functionality

^ Sorry blogspot doesn't host .zip files